Bridal Bouquet $285
Bridal Bouquet $285
Bridal Bouquet is $285. Read Below.
Our Bridal Bouquets are simple and elegant, made from flowers and foliages grown right here at our family farm! Sustainable and beautiful! We will use whatever flowers and foliages are in season at the time of your event. Please tell us your color scheme in the “Notes” section and we’ll do our best to follow it. Also, please feel free to email us Pinterest Pictures so we can have a better idea of your “style”.
***PLEASE NOTE: Bridal bouquets are $285. We require a deposit of $75 at time of purchase to secure your order. The remaining balance of $210 will be due 10 days prior to pick up. Deposit of $75 is non-refundable, if canceled. We will email you with your balance due one week before pick up we accept: Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, Check or Cash.
***Please Note: We require a two (2) week lead time to place A La Cart Orders.
***Our local flowers are only available to order from End of May through first week of October. Please order accordingly. Thank you!***
Please feel free to email Meg with any questions or concerns before you place your order! Thank you!